STOP - Exclusive Look at one of the Best Funnel Building Software...
How We Took 1 Dead Funnel, Made A Few Simple Tweaks, And Turned It Into Something SUPER Special
Almost Overnight...
Hey, my name is Derek Maxwell, and I recently I read a case study from Russell Brunson, showing how he was able to take one of his marketing funnels that was working so poorly, he literally was about to shut off the hosting, and walk away from it forever...

But, in almost a moment of desperation, he decided to try something crazy - and within 30 days, this funnel was making an insane amount of sales...

Within 60 days he was profitable...

And within 90 days, he brought in more money than any of his other businesses!

I thought this case study was really cool, and that you'd probably like it a lot, so I go permission to post this case study here for you to read. I hope you enjoy!
CASESTUDY: How We Took 1 Dead Funnel, Incorporated it inside of Millionaire Biz Pro Software and turned a Profit in Record Time...
Earlier this year, we almost walked away from a sales funnel we had spent over 18 months trying to perfect, but we just couldn't make profitable. 

It was selling a new digital E-Book we had written up, and while the website was creating customers, it was doing it at a loss. 

Yes, for every $1 we put into ads, we were getting back about $0.40. 

Not a good way to run a business long term. 

We had tested and tried a LOT of things (as you may know, we've been Specializing in Sales Funnel Split testing for over 10 years...)

Yet for some reason, we couldn't turn the corner on this one. Times have changed and we were struggling to fine the current funnel formula for profitability.

Conversions were good... cashflow was bad. 

About that time I had a chance to talk to a few guys I knew who were crushing it in a very similar market. 

I showed them what we were doing, what our conversions were, and why I was frustrated. 

I came back with an idea... 

What if I completely automate the entire Funnel building process with a software that is easy to use, easy to edit and integrates directly with PayPal or Stripe? 

After watching Shark Tank for years, I knew this was a core issue I had to solve in order to be successful long term...
"Depending on the traffic source, we average about $80 to acquire a customer."
Building a website, writing the sales copy, hiring with Programmers and Developers and then finding the right traffic sources are MONUMENTAL tasks!

They are enough to drawn the most seasoned businessman (or woman) :-)

I didn't even mention: Cart Value? What's that mean? Why aren't you asking me about my conversion rates?

I had never heard of that metric before.....I felt like I was back to square 1!
Millionaire Biz Pro
Ok....So I mentioned earlier that in order to become successful and grow with the changing times, you need a software to help alleviate some of the massive burdens you're faced with when trying to create your online sales funnel...

So I set out to develop a software that can do just that!

In 3 short months, I was able to work with a team of experts and we've developed something we feel is Revolutionary....

This is what Millionaire Biz Pro was born!

The software is built with the Newbie in mind and in 3 easy steps you will have your fully built Website in under 2 minutes (yes we've timed it)

That's not all...

Once the software builds your website, the sales copy, the programming and the payment integration is 100% done for you as well.....Even the E-Book is given to you!

You don't need ANY skills or previous experience if you want to edit any aspect of your newly built site.  We have a built-in click-drag-drop style editor so you can make those needed changes super easy and fast!

You may be asking yourself "Well, what about getting traffic to my new site..."

We've got you covered there too...

We have Extensive How-To-Guides on how to do just that!  Find targeted traffic.

After all, what good is a business if no one enters and buys something right??

Our training is extensive and will help you learn all the ins and outs of creating the perfect Sales Funnel, Selling your own E-Book(s) and quitting that miserable 9-to-5 job.
Ok so what's the Catch you ask? 

To be completely honest, there isn't a catch.......

We charge a One-Time Price of $47 and this gets you EVERYTHING I mentioned above!

Oh wait, I totally forgot to mention Web Hosting.....Well, it's INCLUDED for FREE!

Is this all worth the $47?  Heck yeah!!

To get started right away, click the order button below and you can place your order using our secure Order Form.

Once your order is placed, we will email you all your login details and a member of my team will personally email you to see if you need any help getting started...

So, what are you waiting for? Click on the Order button below now.

Get your Millionaire Biz Pro Software Now For Only $47!
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Millionaire Biz Pro is a service that when purchased you are set up with up to 15 webpages. These are predesigned and you will be able to use them to capture emails of people interested in earning income online. We will then show you how to monetize this data and earn income by selling other peoples products that you will get commission for. All this is done from any computer you own.

This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google, ClickBetter, eBay, Amazon, Yahoo or Bing nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Google, ClickBetter, Yahoo, eBay, Amazon, or Bing. The typical purchaser does not make any money using this system. Millionaire Biz Pro does not guarantee income or success, and examples shown in this presentation do not represent an indication of future success or earnings. The company declares the information shared is true and accurate.
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